
Finding My Groove

  Hi guys!  It's been such a long week.  First week of school for our son and first week of school for homeschooling our daughter.  I homeschooled our son for 2 years so I should remember how much work goes into it, right?  Ugh, not so much.  Jael, my daughter and I are having a blast learning colors, numbers, letters, and everything else.  But, I did really forget how much time goes into getting lessons ready and doing them.  I'm not complaining though.  I'll never get this time back with Jael so I'm going to enjoy it;)  So, if you're wondering why I haven't blogged lately, I'm sorry:(  I'm trying to figure out how to balance everything.  I just need to find my groove and then I'll get back to blogging:)  HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!! Evie

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Shepherd Snapshots said...

Hey Evie!
I was revamping our blog a bit and came across a couple of comments you made on old posts. I have a few spots left for people who can view the new/private blog. If you want me to add you, send me your email so I can send you a link (seshepherd@shaw.ca). If not, I'm not offended... Love checking in on you here! Keep the cool pics coming.