06 August 2010

No boys allowed!

  Hi guys:)  I know I've slacked this week on blogging. Trying to enjoy the last weeks of summer before school starts.  I'm really sad to see summer end.  I LOVE warm weather.  But alas, it's that time of year again when I need to buy school supplies.  On a happier note, Jael made a, "No boys allowed" sign for her bedroom door.  It's really to keep her older brother out, but I'm thinking about getting it laminated and super gluing it to her door till her wedding day:0) 


  1. That is so cute! My kids have been having "wars" with door signs..."No Boys Allowed" "No Girls Allowed" "Girls rule; Boys drool" you name it.

  2. uh-oh, do I see "i emo" written in these warnings?!? lol

  3. hahahaha! Good catch, Amy, I think I see it too :)

  4. lol, I think she was trying to spell, "elmo"...yeah, that's it:)
