03 August 2010

Happy Tuesday!

  Good morning:)  Not much going on here today, just workin' for the man;)  What are you doing?  Evie


  1. Working a 12 hour shift today, and taking care of my stolen debit card number :(

  2. Boo. That's not good news. If it makes you feel any better I can make you bread pudding in KC this weekend:0)

  3. Boo to you both for being in KC without me! :P

  4. Yay for bread pudding!!!!!

  5. What's up with the stapler pic? That's really cool!

    So what am I doing? Going to sleep in a minute. Zoe turned 7 today. Took her to Jump Mania to play with a friend, then to McDonald's (she pleaded for it) then home to make her newest favorite dessert for our company this weekend, the to the pool for an evening swim with the family. Oh...then to PriceCutter for a couple last minute things (they totally redid that store since I was in there last, btw!) and them home to collapse from sheer exhaustion! Zoe had to read bedtime stories to ME tonight! Too bad I have to follow up with a 12 hour work day tomorrow packed with back to back appointments before my company shows up for the weekend to celebrate her birthday some MORE!

    This is what I get for letting her call all the shots for the day. Thank God it only happens once a year!

  6. Happy b-day Zoe!!!!! Glad you like the pic, it's from an antique store in downtown KC....I thought it was cute:)
