10 August 2010

I Dig It: Whole Foods Berry Chantilly Cake

   Yummmm, just looking at the picture makes me wish I could head back up to KC and run into Whole Foods and grab a cake.  This is by far THE best cake I've EVER TASTED!!!  I'm normally a chocolate fan, but hands down, this cake has won me over time and time again.  It's pretty much the cream of the crop;) I'm too cheap to buy one, so I wait for my sister, Mollie to buy it and bring one over to my parents house..lol.  Then, I tell myself it has fruit so it MUST be good for you:)  I was even thinking this would make a beautiful wedding cake. 

And Whole Foods has awesome cupcakes!  My kids LOVE them.  They are always so pretty.  You will want to take their picture before you eat them;) And no, this is not my kid....it's my kid brother who just woke up:)

So, if you are in need of something sweet and a little out of the ordinary, I totally think you will dig it too:) Evie


  1. I dunno, that cupcake looks like it could put an eye out! Make sure Hayden and Jael don't run with it!

  2. lol, nice:) Normally their cupcakes are really pretty flowers:) I think a biker was working that day in the bakery;) lol

  3. Yay for Whole Foods!! Evie, did Mom tell you I left you something at the house?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Those look delish - I love whole foods but never paid any attention to the bakery. I'll definitely check that out next time :-)

  6. Amy, I must warn you, you'll never be the same:) lol

    Mollie, oh no, what did you forget? lol the pencil cup holder?:)
