08 July 2010


  I had the pleasure of meeting up with a high school friend while I was back home.  Her name is Jenni.  I hadn't seen her in seven years.  In fact the last time we'd talked in person, she was living in Guatemala and heading up an orphanage.  Pretty much she's Superwoman;)  She's still in Guatemala, but since has gotten married (Hola Orlando) and now has a beautiful little girl named Sasha.  We met up for a quick lunch and headed to a park where I took some pictures of Sasha.  Jenni and I caught up on life, marriage and what God's doing in our lives.  It was a great afternoon:)  Here's some of my favorites...

I've always wanted to use this book in a child session...

Playing peek-a-boo...

I LOVE her eyes...so gorgeous!!!
Makes me want to have another one....

Jenni has super blue eyes....I'm kinda jealous, but don't tell her;)

She never liked the grass for long..haha
Hope you're having a good day, see you guys tomorrow! Evie

1 comment:

  1. How adorable is she?!?! And Jenni looks the exact same!!
