07 July 2010


  Good morning ladies and gentlemen:)  And by "gentlemen" I mean "Dad."   OK, so I have five siblings.  Three sisters and two brothers. (And no, I'm not Catholic or Mormon..lol) The only older brother I have is, Phillip:)  Phil is an interesting lad.  He lives up in KC and I was able to visit with him last week when I was up there.  He asked me to take some pictures of him so he could have a "header" for his new blog.  He's headed out tomorrow at 2am for a 30-40 day hiking trip in CO.  This man lives to read, write and hike.  If you would have talked to Phil 6 months ago, he would have told you about this amazing trip he was planning.  He's been training for months to be able to climb like 25 mountains in this 30-40 day trip.  No kidding.  I can't even keep going to yogo after a week.  Lame.  He's got everything ready to go.  Even his sweet blog, check it out and follow him at http://www.wanderingwest25.blogspot.com/ Leave him a comment and tell him how amazing his little sister, Evie is for taking his pictures;)  All he has is a phone, so I hope he can actually keep up with his blog.  However, he does have a degree in cinemaphotography, so I'm hoping to see some sweet mountain footage..lol.  We'll see.  No pressure Philly:0)  Have a great day peeps!!! Evie

      Here's his blog header, and I know what you're thinking...man, Evie and Phil look like identical twins;) 
The goods....

Did I mention he's taking these crazy 70lb weights b/c there wont be a gym,?!

Luckily Phil wanted some funny shots mixed in with the serious ones. 
He's a man with a mission.
Phil hasn't seen this one yet..lol..I had to save one extra one for my blog;)  We were joking about him doing Karate Kid moves on the trip:)  Only my family....lol

Have a safe trip Phil! 


  1. Wow, great pictures!!! Miss you, Phil, and be safe :)

  2. How fun! You guys do look alike. Well...except for the beard. And the hair. And the "figure" LOL!

    Glad you had fun in KC. I didn't comment on Michael Buble post because I really don't know anything about him and I don't have an opinion. But I was turned off by the cussing report and especially the f-bomb, so even though I wasn't a fan of him before, I think that made me really not a fan. That's too bad.

  3. Mollie-Leave a message on his blog too, he'd love it;)
    MGM-Yes, I'm working on growing my beard;)

  4. He's actually TAKING the weights with him?? I thought that was just a personality shot! Now I REALLY feel lazy...

  5. Leah, YES! lol, he's crazy! I couldn't even pick them up after I was done shooting them. I had to slowly roll them up to the house..haha
