22 January 2010

Taking a coffee break.

I decided I needed to take a coffee break.  And as life would have it, as soon as I started on my coffee I remembered I haven't blogged in a few so here I am:)  My brain has been scattered with lots of ideas lately, which isn't a bad thing really.  I just hate not having them down on paper.  So, that's what I'm trying to do since my baby girl is napping.  Speaking of baby girl....we've had some really nice days this past week.  You know, those "January Thaw" days?  When it's sunny and 60 degrees but there's snow on the ground.  I LOVE those days.  It's like a reminder that spring will come.  We have a park near by that we go to to shoot hoops at.  I grabbed my camera and took pics of Brian playing with the kids.  I wont post but one...it's of my baby girl that's growing up way too fast one me.  I just can't get enough of this face.  Is it just me, or do Brian and I make really cute kids?;)  Have a great Friday! 


  1. She's more than cute, she's stinkin' BEAUTIFUL, Evie! What a face!

  2. thanks Leah:) I CAN'T WAIT to take pics of your soon-to-be-little face:) teeheehe...makes me smile just thinking about him:)

  3. I can't wait for you to take pics of him too! I just want to see his little face and try to figure out who he looks like! :)
