20 January 2010

The count down is here....

  Every year, as soon as my birthday is over, my count down till Valentines Day begins. If you think you know me, but DON'T know how much I love Valentins Day, then you don't know me at all;) I'm not for sure why, but it's my all time favorite holiday. I think it all started way back in grade school for me. Remember those foil covered shoe boxes you would bring in for V-day parties at school? I sure do. Mine was always covered in heart stickers (I'm sure Lisa Frank ones..lol) with a slit on the front cover so my classmates could put a valentine in for me. Just the thought of it makes me smile:) So, just know, in 26 days is VALENTINES DAY!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I started compiling a Valentine's box for Jael and Hayden last week :)
