13 December 2009

Hope it makes you laugh Mom

  Last week our landlords came over to give us a Christmas card (which had $50 in it!!!)  and invite us to go to a Christmas program at their church.  It was called, "Festival of Keyboards." Which was strange I thought b/c it was really piano's, but then again, when it comes to anything musical, I'm lost. Hayden and Jael loved it. There was four grand piano's lined up and a huge choir and a symphony! It was beautiful.

  Before we went though, I told the kids they were going to get dressed up. Jael squealed with delight, while Hayden just moaned and instantly had tears in his eyes. Boys and girls are so different. Once Jael had on her dress, I remember I had a coat that has been passed down to me. My Mom bought it for my neice, Morgan when she was 3. Which by the way, Morgan is now 16. lol So, this coat is slightly old:) I put it on Jael and I just kept cracking up b/c she was so not happy with it. She kept giving me those, "faces." You know the ones.....the faces that really say, "Mom, are you on crack? Why are you making me wear this?" lol The hat made her head look HUGE. I told Jael it was a big hat like Strawberry Shortcakes, but that didn't help. So, this picture is all for my Mom. Hope it makes you laugh today Mom:)

  I'm about to head out the door for church this morning.  Afterwards I have a shoot with new clients:)  Yay, new people:)  I know you've got to be tired of looking at pictures of my kids, so hold tight, I'm about to get new pics up soon.  They have 5 kids and a dog.  This should be an interesting afternoon:)  Wish me luck;)


  1. Oh my...the look DOES say it all!!!!!

  2. Hey girl. I found you from Jasmine's blog...hey we have the same name!!! Great pictures.

  3. Evelyn,....that.....is......awesome!:) Thanks for looking me up:) I'm excited to check your blog out!

  4. Someone needs to teach Mom how to leave comments!! Shoot, if I can figure it out, surely she can! :)

  5. LOL Oh man that picture is making me laugh! Priceless expression...
