12 December 2009

Books Dear to My Heart

  Hi guys, I'm back, well kinda.  Our computer is being worked on, so a friend has let me borrow his laptop so I can keep up with editing.  I have to admit, I'm nervous working on here.  I feel totally out of my groove.  But, on the bright side, I can edit:)

  This week I have gotten so much done around the house I normally wouldn't have. With our internet down, I've had lots of time on my hands.  My husband was in heaven.  Home made cooked dinners and a clean house all week long.  Jael and I have made crafts out our you-know-what.  I even tricked out my kids bedrooms in Christmas lights.  Which by the way, I would have loved when I was a kid.  I also read a ton more than usual to Jael.  I have always loved reading to my kids.  I started to read to Hayden when he was 2 months old.  By the time he was 2 we would read up to about two hours a day.  I was in heaven.  Jael on the other hand only sits with me for about 15 min. at nap and bedtime.  I'll take what I can get though.  I tried to convince her this week that we need to read more.  She didn't agree with me:(  I was showing her all the books we had and thought to myself, "I wonder how many books we do have?"  With so much time on my hands and no kid to read to, I started to count.  I was shocked.  Over the past years I make a habit of going through and donating what books we don't read often.  But, to my surprise, we own over 400 kid books.  I adore childrens books.  I have a goal of writing my own childrens book by the time I'm 30.  My birthday is next month, so I have a year and a month to go...ekkk!  Anyways, I decided to make a list for whoever is reading this of my all time favorite kid books I read to my children.  I hold these books dear to my heart because they will always remind me of quiet times with my kids with lots of snuggles, funny character vioces and giggles.  So, if you're interested, here's my top 15.  Be sure and write me if you have a favorite that I might love:)

In no particular order:)

1. Farley Farts by Birte Muller
2. Duck on a Bike by David Shannon
3. How to Make an Apple Pie and see the world  by Marjorie Priceman
4. Madeline's rescue by Ludwig Bemelmans
5. The Mitten Tree by Candace Christiansen
6. The Noisy Way to Bed by Ian Whybrow
7. Kiss Godnight by Amy Hest
8. Big Red Barn by Margaret Wise Brown
9. Time for Bed by Mem Fox
10. Hector and Prudence by Bruce Koscielniak
11. Only my Dad and Me by Alyssa Satin Capucilli
12. Mouse Tales by Arnold Lobel
13. Fishing Papa, Fishing Hayden and Fishing Mama by Hayden Smith:)
14. The Voice by R.W. Metlen
15. The Chicken of the family by Mary Amato

If you have kids, I highly recommend going to your public library and checking some of these out:)  Make me proud;) lol   Hope it's not freezing cold where you're at b/c it sure is here.  Have a great Saturday!!!

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