03 October 2012

Back to blogging

  Hi everyone!!!  I’ve been gone for about two months but I’m back now.  Before I begin posting my latest session, I thought I’d take a moment and introduce my new little baby, CalebJ  Last time we talked (I like to pretend we’re good friendsJ) I had just had baby number three.  I posted pictures from the hospital, but right afterwards I took these pictures and just had to share them with you.  Caleb is such a happy baby.  He started to smile about two hours after he was born and hasn’t really stopped.
  It seems like so much has happened since that first week of bringing him home.  Let me just make a listJ

-Two days after Caleb was born, our other son, Hayden turned NINE!

-About a week later, Brian and I celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary.

-My husband was kind enough to drop the kids and I off in Kansas City so I could visit before our move.  Half way through West Virginia I realized I forgot to pack my camera.  Now you know I’m sleep deprived when I FORGET TO PACK MY OWN CAMERA!!! 

-We sold my convertible and I now drive, wait for it….aminivan.  Gone are the days of teenage boys trying to race me at night when they can’t see how old I really am. 

-School started and my baby girl is now in public schoolL  That’s right, I’m no longer a homeschool mom.  I’m happy to announce she LOVES it and I couldn’t be happier with the school she’s in.
-We moved into a new house!!!  I DO NOT recommend packing up and moving with a newborn if you don’t have to.  Good night nurse, that was so much work!  Thanks to all our church family for helping us with what we could not have done alone.  I still have not taken pictures of the house.  However, one early morning when I was up with Caleb we stepped outside on the back porch and I snapped this one.  I LOVE the rolling hills here!


-On September 12th, we officially lived here in PA for one year.

-And basically now I just nurse around the clock…(Sorry to any guy reading this, I know, T.M.I.)…every two hours my little porker wants to eat.  Why can’t my muffin top look this cute?

  And since I can’t get enough of his cute face, here’s one last shot I took about a week ago.  He’s getting so big so fast.  He’s now 12lbs.


Since I’m short on time these days I thought I’d go ahead and post a sneak peek while I’m on here. 

Meet Mary Claire. 

More to come later.  Until then, thanks for stopping in!!! Evie:0)

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