09 April 2012

Dubble Bubble and Piccadilly Circus

  Hope everyone had a wonderful Resurrection Sunday yesterday!  I actually have a funny story to tell ya.  Both kids and I were headed to church yesterday and were running a bit behind.  Hayden (my son) said that he had gum on his face.  I told him that we didn't have time to even stop by the bathrooms, so he needed to get it off while he was in the car.  I turned back to look at him and I could literally feel my blood pressure go up.  He had gum on his face up to his eyeballs!  Turns out he blew one huge Dubble Bubble bubble and Jael (my daughter) decided it needed to be popped.  We ended up in my husbands office (he's a pastor) picking it off almost the entire time at church.  After I cooled down (I blame crazy preggo hormones) and Hayden stopped crying I told him it wasn't a big deal that I was pretty sure Jesus was laughing too:)  It's good to know God looks at your heart and not your face;)  Lesson learned...literally.

  Earlier that weekend we had tickets to a local circus, the Piccadilly Circus.  Both of our kids were pumped to go.  We have never gone before so I couldn't help but be excited too.  I decided I should try and bring my camera.  I made my kids take one picture with me:)  Note to self: to not look pregnant, simply place child in front of belly:)

My kids loved the first act with the bikes in the cage.  At the
end, they put a girl inside!  Eeek

My daughter, Jael thought My Little Pony's came to life!

Some clowns came out and did some funny dancing.  Luckily for me
I was slap happy all night.  When this clown came out my husband leaned over and said,
"It's like watching Michael Jackson in slow motion."  I about died of laughter for the
next ten minutes. 

Happy Monday!!!  Evie

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness - first you look amazing in that picture and second - your story totally had me laughing out loud! Great circus pics too!
