09 April 2011

I Dig It: Forever 21

  Now normally when I go to the mall I love going into Forever 21.  However it's a constant reminder I am no longer 21.  I'm 30.  And I'm ok with that.  But I've decided instead of pulling muscles when trying on a article of clothing in which I'm really not even for sure if it's a dress or a shirt, I really just need to stick to the cheap jewelry when I'm there.  I was shopping with a friend (Hi Lisha) and she noticed a camera necklace.  As luck would have it, I only have small camera necklaces.  This one was way different, and CHEAP:)  Anywhoo, thought I'd share my newest favoritest piecest of jewelry:)  Although I have to say it looks small in the picture.  Don't you hate it when that happens?  Evie


  1. Ahh! Super cute! How do you keep finding these things?

    Sadly I, too, don't know if most of those things in F21 are shirts or dresses...

  2. Morgan and I have seen this necklace there too, and it always makes us think of you :] The heart in the chain was a nice touch ;D

  3. Amy-haha, nice of you to notice;)
    Leah-I'll say it again, I think there needs to be a Forever 31;)
