20 March 2011

Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring!!!!

  I can't express to you how much I loathe winter and LOVE spring.  So, with today being the first day of spring, I'm beyond excited!!!!  Bring on the tulips, warm days outside that I can home school, cotton dresses and planting my seedlings into my garden.  Oh yeah, and more photography!!!!:)  Here's a pic from last weeks session.  I was in mucho need of some color.  I went to the Goodwill and found the only chair half way decent and slapped on a paint of banana yellow.  Then I covered it with fabric I've had for years from my Grandma.  And, the good news is, the model loved it so much, I gave it to her:)  Ten points goes to me for a $3 chair!!!!  Hope the first day of spring is wonderful for you:)  Talk to ya tomorrow! Evie

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