09 September 2010

Pictures that DON'T make my blog.

  Well, it's been five days since I've blogged!  What's wrong with me?  Sorry guys.  OK, so I thought I'd do a fun post about pictures that DON'T make it on my blog.  Normally I want to show you what I'm most proud of.  However, these next shots are just to show for fun. 

                         This couple was so hot during portraits, I ran inside and got them Mountain Dews.
                                                        So of course I had to get a shot;)

This sweet Grandma fell and couldn't get up because she was laughing so hard!

This bride was standing in front of a HUGE fan to cool off and struck a pose...:)

  OK, well here's a groom
getting a lashing from the brides veil...
And this Grandma, well, I'm not really for sure what was going on here, but I love it!

I caught the groomsmen outside smoking and drinking beer
 (and getting ready to trash the wedding car)
right after the cake cutting....oh, you're busted now! :)

ok, I have more, but you get the idea. Not all pictures end up in an album...lol...and there's
a reason for it:)  Evie


  1. I like those - they're funny and all those special moments you "don't" get too see.

  2. All of those are great!! When life gets real, you just gotta laugh!! :)
