28 September 2010

Pet Peeves

    I knew Brian was the perfect one for me for many reasons, but one of them was because we share the same pet peeve.  We both can't stand hearing people smack when they eat.  Seriously, put me in a quiet room with just ONE person chewing with their mouth open and I'll want to throw down.  I was reminded of this pet peeve tonight.  After dinner my kids were complaining an hour later they were hungry again.  So I made blueberry muffins.  As I sat at the table with them, there was no talking, just chewing.  With mouths wide open.  AHHHHHH!  It's torture.  I know this has nothing to do with anything, I was just in the mood to blog about randomness....so, what's your pet peeve?  Evie


  1. Hmm... I can only list ONE pet peeve?...okay - when I walk in a bathroom and see a toilet lid up (not seat but the lid) it drives me nuts. LOL

  2. Seeing toilet paper dispensing under instead of over the roll. I blame working at a hotel for 13 years.

  3. People breathing heavy WHILE chewing with an open mouth.....it's like fingernails on a chalkboard!!!
