19 July 2010

The Shepherd Family

  I met up with a great family this past weekend and took some family portraits.  They requested very relaxed pictures.  Good thing for me, they laughed a lot!  Here's some of my favorites...

This is Terri:)  Her fiance, Wayne bought her this family session for her birthday gift! Isn't she beautiful?!

Since I had Terri and Wayne together I thought I'd snap a few engagement type images for them...

Shepherd family, thanks for coming out in the blazing hot sun and letting me hang out with you guys:)
                           Have a great Monday and be sure to come back and see me tomorrow:) Evie


  1. Oh, how sweet! Terri looks like an actress to me, but I can't remember her name. I'll let you know if I think of it.

  2. The pictures are great! I wished you lived closer, because my Mom and I were just talking about geting family pictures for the whole family sometime this fall. Hope you have a great day! :)
