29 July 2010

Lisha & Michael

  OK, just like I promised, the full post for Lisha and Michael.  They were married last week at the beautiful Lindwedel Wine Garden in Branson, Mo.  Here's a few of my personal favorites....

The bride and grooms parents each wrote a letter and read it during the ceremony.  I love this shot of the Lisha's Dad, Scott. 

These doves were so beautiful!  If you are looking for a dove release company, I highly recommend "Covenant Doves." 

The worlds longest kiss at an altar...haha

For some reason this shot reminds me of a painting. 
 Lisha looks AMAZING and Michael is looking quite dapper:)

Lisha and Michael, hope you're having an amazing time in the Dominican Republic!!!


  1. Great photos! Beautiful wedding!!

  2. Beautiful wedding!!! Really like the bouquet :) Most of these shots look like they're from a David's Bridal commercial, how lovely!!

  3. Awesome job, Evie! A Beautiful wedding, and a great job capturing it!

  4. Go girl with your bad self!!! These are so amazing!! Just checked out your website and I have to say that i love it. Hope everything is going well :)
