23 June 2010

Hide Away Spot

  Good morning guys:)  I wanted to share with you our little family hide away spot.  Not that I'm going to tell you WHERE it is, just show you a picture of it;)  lol  Not gonna lie, I'm not a huge fan of living in Southern MO.  I'm just not really a country girl, but some days I feel like it because Brian will mention heading to the "creek" and we all put on our swimsuits and jump in the car.  We drive about five minutes away and then get in the water and walk about ten minutes over slippery rocks and little fish nibbling at my legs.  I really try to not scream, trust me I try.  Then, I see it.  Our little spot of heaven.  It even has a swing.....

         ( I ziplocked my little handheld half working Vivitar camera and took three shots before it died on me.)
There's always this small current that the kids can just float down.  Hayden has actually learned to swim since we've found this place.  The waters are cool and clear.  There's beautiful large shade trees and a white rocky shore.  And best of all, it's quiet.  It's our hide away place.  Hope you and your family has one of your own. 

After today I will not be posting a blog till after the 5th of July.  And you know I'll have some pictures to show you and some stories too.  Let's not forget my Michael Buble concert this Saturday!!!!!

OK, wonderful blog readers, have a great week and a safe 4th of July!!! Evie


  1. Wow, I love places like that! You feel like you've escaped from the world, yet somehow gotten closer to God. :)

  2. Looks almost surreal. That's the nice thing about "not" living in the city you can have beautiful secret spots to escape too. :-) Have a safe drive up to the city this week - can't wait to see ya!

  3. ...gorgeous. I'd have to upgrade the swing to a hammock though ;D cuz I'm pretty high maintenance. lol
