09 May 2010

Happy Mothers Day!

  First I'd like to say a BIG Happy Mothers Day to my Mom, Martha:)  I was up in Kansas City this past week for work, and my sister, Leah decided to drive in from St.Louis to visit as well:)  I was soooooo happy to see my nephew, Jacob again.  He's a month old already.  I didn't have a "session" with him, but I couldn't help but snap a few pics.  Here's some of my fav's....

Leah, I hope your first Mothers Day is full of cuddles and smiles:)


  1. Oh how sweet!!!! Wish I could've been there for all the fun. Happy Mother's Day!!

  2. you would have been so jealous..lol....I got to hold him for hours:) And he smiles now!

  3. I love these, Evie! So sweet, thank you!!!

  4. How precious! Zachy had a strawberry mark on his forehead almost exactly like that. I realized a few weeks ago that I can barely see it anymore even though the pediatrician said that it would be permanent. I was actually kinda sad to realize that it was gone!

    Hope to see you soon!

  5. Jacob is soooooooo cuuuuuttee!!!! ahhhhhh......I'm missing too much! If I don't get to see him soon I think I'll implode or something! lol
