23 March 2010

I'm a little slow

  Hi:)  yesterday I got a call from a very cool lady.  Let me back up....a couple months ago I wrote a comment on a blog.  Little did I know, once you type in your info and comment, someone, anyone can click on your name and it brings you to YOUR blog....I know, I'm a little slow....lol.  I never even read a blog till I had my own.  Anyways, the person who clicked on my name just so happened to have my name:) I'm sure that's why it go her attention.  So, Evie from Atlanta wrote me a comment and we've been friends since.  She's a photographer http://www.evieperezphotography.com/ and loves Jesus!  How cool is that?!  So, we exchanged numbers and we got to talk to for first time yesterday.  She told me all about her trip to WPPI in Las Vegas last week.  We talked about our passion for photography and God.  But, of course my kids are running around me like crazy so I had to say bye.  No kidding, two seconds after I hung up, my daughter, Jael pukes.  Ugh.  And so now that brings you up to date with my life.  A sick little girl and a little boy on spring break.  Sometimes, when you're a Mom, you really have a full plate. 

Here's Hayden loving the sun and enjoying his vacation...

And here's my sweet Little Face sick:(

Jael must have had a bad dream about the bathroom b/c she woke up totally scared to go in the bathroom and use it.  Which is not good timing b/c she has what my husband calls, "Bubble Guts"  lol...the big D!  Eww...So, Hayden drew her a friendly toilet that said, "Toulets are nice." And he made it talk to her:)

Jael sooo badly wanted to have a picnic outside once she saw other kids playing. We grabbed her Barbie sleeping bag, threw it on our kitchen floor and had our own picnic. Poor girl had no energy. She laid down the whole time and ate one Goldfish. But, she's napping as I write this. I'm really praying this is just a 24 hr bug and she'll be feeling better when she wakes up.

Is anyone else on spring break? What are you doing to have fun? Please, .....let me live through you:) Evie


  1. Ah, fun times at the Smith's!!!! Sorry to hear Jael has bubble guts!! Please tell the kids Aunt Mollie is bringing them treats to St. Louis!!

  2. I will, I'm sure it will cheer Jael up:) Can't wait to see you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Love the toilet thing from Hayden. Sounds just like something Zoe would do. Zachy is still asking when are we going to go to the park with Jael and Hayden. I think he's asking about every half hour or something. He doesn't like my vague answer. But he drew a really cute picture of your family. I'm saving it to either mail you or drop by. I have a box of clothes for Jael, too. So I may need to just drop by. Hope J is feeling better tonight! No one likes to be scared of toilets. LOL!

  4. Aww..I love you :) I feel so special. I hate that Jael is not feeling well. Hope she feels better soon so that she can enjoy the rest of her Spring Break. It was good to talk.

  5. Total frown town :( Poor little Jael... and it's all documented now! haha I hope she's feeling better soon!!
