03 February 2010

I see a jawline in my future.

   I'm happy to announce my 36hr bug is over!  Wooohooo:)  I tell ya, I feel like I've paid my dues to winter.  Enough being sick already..lol.  Does anyone know when the first day of spring is?  Now I'm really curious.  Ok, let's get down to business....I was eating pretty good if I do say so myself in January.  Then on the 19th I had a birthday and it all went down hill.  I was looking in the mirror two days ago and realized I really don't know where my jawline is anymore:(  So, here I am back on track to eating healthy:)  Yay Evie!  Here's my lunch today.  It was really yummy.  And I know what you're wondering, and yes my chicken was cooked.  Haha, my dressing is pink and so it looks pretty gross over the chicken in the pic.  I'm feeling pretty pumped about getting focused again.  My hubby says he will be impressed if I stick with it three days!  Well, certified personal trainer husband of mine, look out!  :)  I see a jawline in my future.  Hope everyone out there is having a great Wednesday.  Half the week is over:)  Evie

Oh, I wanted to give a quick shout out to the ONLY person in Spain reading this....Carissa, I think you're awesome!  Good luck with your new home business:)  Check out her blog at http://www.carissadavidsolis.blogspot.com/


  1. recipe please! That looks yummy! :)

  2. Well, I just kinda threw it all together....
    LOTS of spinach, red onion, feta cheese, strawberries, grilled chicken, "Salad Pizazz" from wal-mart...it's the raspberry cranberry walnut frisco one, and of course Kraft Light raspberry vinaigrette dressing...yummmm:) Hope you like it...oh, wait, you might want to check with your doc, when I was prego, I wasn't allowed to eat feta cheese:( Maybe it's changed though.

  3. good luck to you evie! i lost 55 lbs last year and am working to lose the remaining 25 to my goal. and guess what, i do believe i see my jawline appearing too!!

  4. Thanks Evie! Yes....I know...no feta for me. Just for future reference! :)

  5. Gorgeous salad babe!!! yes all the way from Spain I read this blog hahah!! Keep the gorgeous pictures coming, u got talent girl!! xoxox

  6. You know what the best part of this "salad" is? There's just an itty bitty bit of leafy greens showing, and a ton of toppings! Just the way I like it! haha

  7. Casey, WOW, awesome!!!! You go girl;)

    Leah, actually the bowl is the size of Rhoad Island, so there's a TON of leaves..lol...your prego eyes just can't see them:)
