18 January 2010

Listen to your dreams.

Hi guys:) Sorry I've been off Blogger for a bit. I'm trying to help my hubby get my website together and it's taken way longer than I thought. And my kids are complaing that I spend way too much time on the internet and not enough time playing with them. sniff, sniff Enough said. So, I've been trying my best to learn how to balance all this out. So, please forgive me for not updating my blog everyday.

I did have a shoot this past weekend:) I'm really excited to start editing and I'll be sure to post as soon as I can!

I'm lucky to have my hubby home with me today:) We went and got Chinese for lunch and I LOVED what my fortune cookie said. It said, "Your dream life is rich-listen to your dreams." I've been thinking A LOT about my dreams for this new year. I'll explain more later but I do know this...I'm going to put some fears behind me, trust in God more and go for my dreams. What are your dreams for this new year? Have a great Monday,well what's left of it:) Evie

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