08 January 2010

I Dig It:) Crayola Maker

                  HAPPY 38th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY TO MY PARENTS!!!!!!!!:)

Good morning:)  Today I'm starting a new label called, "I Dig It."  This will be posts about things I totally dig and want to tell you about!  Yesterday was our first snow day and so we had oodles of time to kill.  We broke out the Crayola Maker that I bought for the kids (secretly I just wanted for myself;)  You know you do it too....don't lie:)  It's like this little crayola maker factory.  You take your old broken crayons, melt them and make new swirl ones.  It's a great way to show your kids it's fun to recycle.  So, being as I don't have photo shoots this winter, thought I'd snap some shots and show you this little factory.

First you place the broken crayons on the metal trays....

Then you shut the lid, turn the knob and they start to melt. Hope you can see it ok, the lid goes on lock-down so it was hard to shoot....

Then you pour into crayon mold like so and....

Wala....new ones. We made girly ones for Jael:)

And boy ones for Hayden. He made enough to give each classmate two. He's such a sweetie:)

OK, you know how I complained yesterday because it was 7 degrees out?  Well, today it's 0 degrees out.  It's our second snow day and the kids are turning into monkey's.  Too much energy for this small house.  So, if I don't post tomorrow it's because they tied me up from lack of things to do;)  HAPPY FRIDAY!!!! Evie


  1. what a fun thing to do with the kids! I might have to get me one of those! :-)

  2. Thanks for leaving a comment Sheila:) It's a pretty cool little toy. I bought ours at wal-Mart:)

  3. Very cute! Please tell Batman and Snow White I love them!!

  4. What a great idea! I didn't even know those gadgets existed... I love that you had the kids in costumes too. Your house must always be so much fun for kids to be at! Poor guys won't know what hit them when they are old enough to help clean the house...haha.
