29 December 2009

Ziggie's Cafe

  Good morning my friends:) This blog is not my normal pictures that I post. That's because it belongs to my hubby, Brian:) We're not really for sure how this happened, but a local cafe contacted Brian and asked him to create a new Italian menu. Brian was really excited to take on a new challenge. I think he did a great job! The owner wanted an "Olive Garden" look to the menu. So, Brian, with his sweet Photoshop Cs4 skills, whipped this up. He also borrowed my Canon camera and took the pictures of the food. I was so proud of him!!!! I think it looks great! And the food is super reasonable and yummy. If you're near the Springfield area and haven't gone to Ziggie's Cafe (Nixa Location)  for their breakfast, you are missing out. Trust me. I know what I'm taking about.
  Brian loves to do web/graphic design. http://www.bkdesign.us/ If you're in need of a web site, or any other graphic design  please free to ask any questions. His costs are the most affordable around;) Ok, if you want to contact him, please do so at bmember1@live.com.
  Alright guys....have a great Tuesday! Evie:0)


  1. Way to go, Brian! The menu looks like you've done this before!! Did you get to try the food after you took pics of it?? Sure hope so :)

  2. well, actually all the food you see ended up in our bellies:)
