31 December 2009

Rhonda, Alyssa and Mitch part II

  I'm soooo not one of those people who can put work off to the side and get it done later if it's not a big deal.  I told myself I was going to wait, but once again, it's IMPOSSIBLE for me to have pics ready to edit and not jump on them.  So, here's the rest of my favorites of my in-laws.  Rhonda said she loves black and whites so I thought I'd post some in black and white.  No worries Rhonda, they come in color too;) 

Miss Rhonda....

The only time we had to shoot was at one o'clock....so we had lots of light.  Maybe a wee bit too much;)  I love this tree that had fallen over.  So many cool things to shoot by in Rhonda's yard.  The country is calling my name:)

Sibling love.....what is cute is Alyssa placed her head on Mitch's shoulder by herself.  I loved it and asked her to not move. 

Miss Alyssa.....

Can you believe it's the last day of 2009?!  Crazy!  So much has happened in my life this past year. I moved two times, bought my Canon camera, stopped homeschooling and now blog. lol  I'm really looking forward to what God has planned in 2010.  Hope you all have a VERY SAFE New Years Eve.  Come back next year;)  -Evie

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