17 December 2009

Ho Hummers Unite!

  Man I'm tired today.  Hayden is home again from school.  Another earache.  It's only his 3rd one in his life, so it's not too bad, but the last two have been in the last month.  Poor guy can't take his little sister, Jael's screaming much more.  And he's worried all his classmates at school are learning all kinds of cool stuff without him.  I told Hayden I'd drag out his homeschool desk from the garage and teach him cool stuff;) 
  So today I'm thinking of a fun day we had last year.  We lived in Kansas City and the first really big snow we got, we took recess outside and had snow fights:)  I kinda miss homeschool....not gonna lie...sniff, sniff.
  OK, I know that's not much to blog about, but let's face it....some days are just kinda ho hum.....so to all the other people out there that might be having a ho hum kinda day.......HO HUMMERS UNITE!!!!  And smile because Jesus loves you and has a plan for your life:0)

P.S. The pics I'm sure will be grainy....these were taken with my $100 point and shoot Vivitar:)  So glad I have a Canon now...long sigh.

Last December, Hayden and Jael were able to make their very first snow angels:)

I know it looks like he's screaming, but he's catching snowflakes<3

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